Ye, Brethren are not in Darkness...
But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
(1Th 5:1-4)
In His word, God promises his children that they would not be left in the dark insomuch as that the day of Christ should overtake them 'as a thief'. It is in fact the world of unbelievers, groping about in spiritual darkness, who would be seized upon by sudden destruction even while saying 'peace and safety'.
These words are sobering for several reasons. First, the implication is that the 'day of the lord' is not discerned by the world in general in the same way in which a man is not immediately aware that a thief in the night has broken into his house. The thief enters without tumolt or observation. It is not until it is altogether too late that those unaware realize that their house has been plundered.
Second, our modern prophecy teachers have turned the words 'peace and safety' into a doctrinal buzzward. They tell us that this will refer to the attitude of the Jewish people after making a seven year peace treaty with the 'antichrist'. What they have in fact done is fulfilled this verse by misapplying it. While the world awaits the 'rapture' and the appearance of the 'antichrist' they continue to cry 'peace and safety' thinking that our Lord's return remains at least seven years off. In reality many will be totally unprepared and unaware that the 'Day of the Lord' is upon them until it is too late.
But most troubling about this passage is the general attitude of unbelief towards it. Brothers and Sisters, WE ARE NOT IN THE DARK THAT THE DAY OF THE LORD SHOULD OVERTAKE US AS A THIEF.
But who believes this? I know of plenty of people who give lip service and SAY they believe it, but who really believes what we are being told here? Our Lord promises that we are not left in the dark concerning his approach. Why then do the vast majority of God's children grope about in the dark as though we have no sure word of prophecy? Why is it that in matters concerning our Lord's coming most are 'always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth'? Why do we find Christians saying that prophecy is 'non-essential' 'unimportant' or that these are things which cannot be known until Jesus returns? On the contrary we are told that the very reason we have the word of prophecy is so that we should not be left in the dark BEFORE Jesus returns.
Let me ask you a sobering question, dear reader...
Are you sure that the thief has not already entered your house?