Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened
unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept,
his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.
Matt 13:24-25
unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept,
his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.
Matt 13:24-25

In our day there exists literally thousands of 'Christian' denominations. To someone who is earnestly and sincerely desiring to find the truth, this presents an enormous problem. Which, if any of these, hold the truth?
The answer to this problem is profoundly complex. Even a brief study of the major Christian denominations will show that there are major differences in teaching between them. Adding to the problem is the fact that many of them claim to have gotten these beliefs solely from the Bible, all the while accusing each other of the grossest heresy. Is it any wonder that someone who is curious about the claims of Christianity quickly becomes frustrated when they see these hundreds of warring factions?
Where, and how are we to ever locate the truth? Among most evangelical and fundamental denominations, the answer will almost surely be that we need to look only to the scriptures, and to them alone for truth and guidance. While this is correct, we have to ask; Are all of these divergent teachings solely based upon the Bible? Is the Bible so confusing and unclear that it allows for these hundreds upon hundreds of interpretations?
I would ask the reader to be painfully honest; Are you absolutely sure that what you have been taught is the clear teaching of scripture?
Before you answer that, I would also ask you to consider a few more questions:
Which do you spend more time studying; the Bible, or books others have written about the Bible?
When you read something in the Bible you don't understand, is your first reaction to bow your head in prayer and ask God for wisdom and understanding, or to reach for a commentary or ask your pastor.
Have you ever read something in the Bible which you felt clearly contradicted something you had been taught?
Do you believe that some teachings must be correct because they were believed by 'sincere, intelligent, or Godly men'?
Have you ever felt that the Bible was too complex for you to learn on your own, and feel you must rely on someone to explain it to you?
Have you genuinely received what you believe from the Bible, or have you received it from another source, then gone to the Bible expecting to find such teachings there?
Are your beliefs based first solely on your own study of the Bible, or on someone else's study of the Bible?
Have you ever felt inclined to believe something, but afraid to because it was rejected by your Church, organization, or someone had denounced such a belief as heresy?
I believe these questions cut right to the heart of this issue. Many professing Christians in our day simply do not study the Bible. Of those who do, many spend a great deal more time studying what others have written about the Bible rather than studying the Bible itself.
In a day where there are so many 'Christian' factions, each claiming to have the truth, this is certainly very dangerous. Somehow Christians have gotten the idea that Bible study simply isn't that important, and that absolute Biblical truth and doctrine are secondary. I would ask any professing Christian who is earnestly desiring to know the truth to hear the words of their Lord and Savior:
The answer to this problem is profoundly complex. Even a brief study of the major Christian denominations will show that there are major differences in teaching between them. Adding to the problem is the fact that many of them claim to have gotten these beliefs solely from the Bible, all the while accusing each other of the grossest heresy. Is it any wonder that someone who is curious about the claims of Christianity quickly becomes frustrated when they see these hundreds of warring factions?
Where, and how are we to ever locate the truth? Among most evangelical and fundamental denominations, the answer will almost surely be that we need to look only to the scriptures, and to them alone for truth and guidance. While this is correct, we have to ask; Are all of these divergent teachings solely based upon the Bible? Is the Bible so confusing and unclear that it allows for these hundreds upon hundreds of interpretations?
I would ask the reader to be painfully honest; Are you absolutely sure that what you have been taught is the clear teaching of scripture?
Before you answer that, I would also ask you to consider a few more questions:
Which do you spend more time studying; the Bible, or books others have written about the Bible?
When you read something in the Bible you don't understand, is your first reaction to bow your head in prayer and ask God for wisdom and understanding, or to reach for a commentary or ask your pastor.
Have you ever read something in the Bible which you felt clearly contradicted something you had been taught?
Do you believe that some teachings must be correct because they were believed by 'sincere, intelligent, or Godly men'?
Have you ever felt that the Bible was too complex for you to learn on your own, and feel you must rely on someone to explain it to you?
Have you genuinely received what you believe from the Bible, or have you received it from another source, then gone to the Bible expecting to find such teachings there?
Are your beliefs based first solely on your own study of the Bible, or on someone else's study of the Bible?
Have you ever felt inclined to believe something, but afraid to because it was rejected by your Church, organization, or someone had denounced such a belief as heresy?
I believe these questions cut right to the heart of this issue. Many professing Christians in our day simply do not study the Bible. Of those who do, many spend a great deal more time studying what others have written about the Bible rather than studying the Bible itself.
In a day where there are so many 'Christian' factions, each claiming to have the truth, this is certainly very dangerous. Somehow Christians have gotten the idea that Bible study simply isn't that important, and that absolute Biblical truth and doctrine are secondary. I would ask any professing Christian who is earnestly desiring to know the truth to hear the words of their Lord and Savior:
....Many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many Matt 24:11
Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? Luke 18:8
Jesus foretold that MANY would be deceived. Not a few, but MANY. In addition, Jesus' question 'when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? ', seems to indicate that He knew that when he came back that true faith would be almost entirely absent from the face of the earth.
What should this tell us? That it is very dangerous to assume that our mainstream Christian denominations have the truth. Surely Jesus knew what things would be like in our day. He knew that in the close of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st that there would be huge cathedrals, multi-million dollar ministries, satellite broadcasts, and scores of 'Christian' radio programs. Yet, in spite of all this he asks this solemn question, 'When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?'
We need only to read the New Testament to see why Jesus would ask such a question. The apostles clearly tell us that even in their time apostasy had begun to creep into the Christian congregations. Consider the following:
What should this tell us? That it is very dangerous to assume that our mainstream Christian denominations have the truth. Surely Jesus knew what things would be like in our day. He knew that in the close of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st that there would be huge cathedrals, multi-million dollar ministries, satellite broadcasts, and scores of 'Christian' radio programs. Yet, in spite of all this he asks this solemn question, 'When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?'
We need only to read the New Testament to see why Jesus would ask such a question. The apostles clearly tell us that even in their time apostasy had begun to creep into the Christian congregations. Consider the following:
For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears. Acts 20:29-10
Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Jude 3-4
But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. 2 Pet 2:1-2
Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. 1 John 2:18-19
The most shocking words however come from the pen of the apostle John, and should send a chill up the spine of every believer who seeks to please God and know the truth:
I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not. Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words: and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the church. 3 John 9-10
I don't think many have taken the time to think about the implications of this passage. The apostle John tells us that some had taken hold of the church and had cast out the true believers as well as the apostles themselves! Here we see clearly that even within the lifetimes of the apostles, true believers and true faith were being cast out of the church.
These points are very important to consider because many in our day feel that if they can find a certain doctrine substantiated by 'Christian' writers to within 200 years of the death of the apostles, then somehow this lends credence to such teachings and establishes them as the 'faith once delivered to the saints'.
Nothing could be more dangerous! If the true Christians were being cast out of the churches during the lives of the apostles, and if the apostle Paul warned that after his departure ' grievous wolves would enter in, not sparing the flock', then how much confidence should we place in documents written a full 200 years or more following the death of the apostles?
History tells us that by 500 AD Christianity had become so influenced by state governments and pagan doctrine that the entire world entered into 'the dark ages' and stayed there for 1000 years. The lights of true faith and true Christianity had all but gone out. Anyone who resisted the teachings of the Catholic Church or the Holy Roman Empire did so by risking their own lives.
But what of the reformation which began in roughly 1500 AD? Didn't the reformers restore the faith and the true teachings of the Bible? Undoubtedly the reformation helped, mainly in that it finally brought the Bible to the masses. However, the followers of the major reformers (Luther, Calvin,etc) maintained many of the errors which had developed during the Dark ages. Luther and Calvin both denounced anyone who disagreed with them as utter heretics. Calvin went as far as having Michael Servetus, an anti-trinitarian burned at the stake.
In time, the churches of the reformers went on to become established state religions just as the Roman Catholic church had been. What a far cry from the teachings of Jesus that his true disciples were to be no part of the world.
It wasn't until settlers seeking freedom from religious persecution landed in North America that a truly free study of scripture became possible. Thus by the late 1700's into the 1800's there was an explosion of Bible study, and many new groups and denominations were formed which are still in existence today.
So the question still remains, which is right? In light of the apostasy that developed immediately following the death of the apostles, the 1000 years of darkness which followed it, a reformation which failed to correct its errors, and literally hundreds of groups which have sprung up due to religious freedom, there can be only one correct answer to this question.
That he truth is not to be found in any one of them but only in a personal relationship with the risen savior. It is my firm belief that if we make THAT our first goal, that only then will God instruct us in His truth. When we are willing to drop all our pre-conceived ideas and ask the Lord for His wisdom, and only His wisdom, then we will be on the right path to learning what is truth and what is error. When we become willing to believe what God will teach us regardless of what anyone says, then we will be on the right path to learning truth. But certainly we must be willing to study His word for ourselves, and not just accept that the things which have come down to us through the centuries simply must be true. We must repent of shallow and superficial Bible study.
Friends, I believe that God wants His people to know the truth. However, God in His wisdom let that truth become buried to the point where apostasy has seemed to triumph. The world has become, as Jesus foretold, a field of wheat and tares, a field of genuine believers, and counterfeits. These are perilous times we live in. All the more we need to examine ourselves and ask where our loyalties rest. Have we believed something just because someone said it was true? Can't we see how dangerous this is? In a world full of counterfeits, and in a time when Jesus said truth faith would be scarce, it simply won't do to just believe what someone else has said, regardless of how sincere they are. More than ever we need to cry out for wisdom and understanding, all the while diligently studying the scriptures
The material I have written on this site has come from my own personal relationship with God and my own personal study of the Bible once I was willing to let go of everything I had been taught and follow the leading of the Lord. I would hope that God would use it to spark the curiosity of others to think, ask God for wisdom, and study His word more. I would never, however, want anyone to think that I believe I have all the answers or that what I have written here is set in stone. It is when we crystallize our beliefs, when we feel we have things all figured out that our ears become shut to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
My friends, truth is available, but it is not in any one person, denomination, or group, but only in the one who said 'I am the way, the truth, the life'. Make it your goal to follow Him and His leading first, being determined to believe whatever He will show you regardless of the cost or the scorn and ridicule it may bring from others. Then and only then can you be sure you are in the true faith.
These points are very important to consider because many in our day feel that if they can find a certain doctrine substantiated by 'Christian' writers to within 200 years of the death of the apostles, then somehow this lends credence to such teachings and establishes them as the 'faith once delivered to the saints'.
Nothing could be more dangerous! If the true Christians were being cast out of the churches during the lives of the apostles, and if the apostle Paul warned that after his departure ' grievous wolves would enter in, not sparing the flock', then how much confidence should we place in documents written a full 200 years or more following the death of the apostles?
History tells us that by 500 AD Christianity had become so influenced by state governments and pagan doctrine that the entire world entered into 'the dark ages' and stayed there for 1000 years. The lights of true faith and true Christianity had all but gone out. Anyone who resisted the teachings of the Catholic Church or the Holy Roman Empire did so by risking their own lives.
But what of the reformation which began in roughly 1500 AD? Didn't the reformers restore the faith and the true teachings of the Bible? Undoubtedly the reformation helped, mainly in that it finally brought the Bible to the masses. However, the followers of the major reformers (Luther, Calvin,etc) maintained many of the errors which had developed during the Dark ages. Luther and Calvin both denounced anyone who disagreed with them as utter heretics. Calvin went as far as having Michael Servetus, an anti-trinitarian burned at the stake.
In time, the churches of the reformers went on to become established state religions just as the Roman Catholic church had been. What a far cry from the teachings of Jesus that his true disciples were to be no part of the world.
It wasn't until settlers seeking freedom from religious persecution landed in North America that a truly free study of scripture became possible. Thus by the late 1700's into the 1800's there was an explosion of Bible study, and many new groups and denominations were formed which are still in existence today.
So the question still remains, which is right? In light of the apostasy that developed immediately following the death of the apostles, the 1000 years of darkness which followed it, a reformation which failed to correct its errors, and literally hundreds of groups which have sprung up due to religious freedom, there can be only one correct answer to this question.
That he truth is not to be found in any one of them but only in a personal relationship with the risen savior. It is my firm belief that if we make THAT our first goal, that only then will God instruct us in His truth. When we are willing to drop all our pre-conceived ideas and ask the Lord for His wisdom, and only His wisdom, then we will be on the right path to learning what is truth and what is error. When we become willing to believe what God will teach us regardless of what anyone says, then we will be on the right path to learning truth. But certainly we must be willing to study His word for ourselves, and not just accept that the things which have come down to us through the centuries simply must be true. We must repent of shallow and superficial Bible study.
Friends, I believe that God wants His people to know the truth. However, God in His wisdom let that truth become buried to the point where apostasy has seemed to triumph. The world has become, as Jesus foretold, a field of wheat and tares, a field of genuine believers, and counterfeits. These are perilous times we live in. All the more we need to examine ourselves and ask where our loyalties rest. Have we believed something just because someone said it was true? Can't we see how dangerous this is? In a world full of counterfeits, and in a time when Jesus said truth faith would be scarce, it simply won't do to just believe what someone else has said, regardless of how sincere they are. More than ever we need to cry out for wisdom and understanding, all the while diligently studying the scriptures
The material I have written on this site has come from my own personal relationship with God and my own personal study of the Bible once I was willing to let go of everything I had been taught and follow the leading of the Lord. I would hope that God would use it to spark the curiosity of others to think, ask God for wisdom, and study His word more. I would never, however, want anyone to think that I believe I have all the answers or that what I have written here is set in stone. It is when we crystallize our beliefs, when we feel we have things all figured out that our ears become shut to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
My friends, truth is available, but it is not in any one person, denomination, or group, but only in the one who said 'I am the way, the truth, the life'. Make it your goal to follow Him and His leading first, being determined to believe whatever He will show you regardless of the cost or the scorn and ridicule it may bring from others. Then and only then can you be sure you are in the true faith.